About Ngaire
Ngaire Lynch has been a Personal Trainer for over 30 years. She also has 28 years boxing and kickboxing experience. In October 1996 she competed in the National Bodybuilding competition. In 2000 she was a winner of the Body-for-Life competition for Category 8 for her age group putting her in the Top 2% Worldwide.
You are more than your body yet how you feel about your body impacts on much more than your waist measurement.By looking after our clients health and fitness, we are helping to sculpt their attitude towards a healthy life and the body they have always wanted.
Ngaire's Tips for Inner Beauty
1. Start your day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice to keep you fresh and hydrated.
2. Take time out of your day to pamper yourself, put your feet up for 20 minutes.
3. Always start your day with a healthy breakfast - no matter how busy you are.
4. By setting and maintaining a regular exercise and beauty routine you will help alleivate the stress from your day.
5.Create and environment in your home and workspace that inspires you.
6. Have a positive and cheerful manner with people.
7.Take time to be genuinely interested in others.
8. Have faith in yourself and who you are in the world. Self esteem will give you the motivation to want to take care of yourself.
9. Always get a good nights sleep to help your body recover and repair from the days work nd exercise.
10. Be passionate about who you are and what you do.